Sunday, October 19, 2008

When it rains it pours.....

Why is it that everything has to go wrong at the same time?????? Just when I'm getting used to the messedupedness (yes, I made that up) of my entire life... I have to have MAJOR problems at home.... On Thursday we woke up to NO water pressure... so it takes 30 minutes to take a shower, 10 minutes for the toilet to refill and eons for the washing machine to fill up and you can't have two things on at the same time! And then today as we pulled up in the driveway from church....there's an enormous swarm of bees coming and going from the eves above our garage (I couldn't get a good picture for fear they would come get me)... so I think I can open the garage door and drive in and shut the door behind us.... WRONG - they swarmed right in with us... so we're stuck inside the car in the garage inside with bees all over the place! So then I have to open the door again and let more in and get us out and we park down the street and come in through the side door... now we have bees outside and in the garage and we accidentally let one in the house!!! Buzz off!!!


Time for a change. said...

Oh no! I hope you get it sorted soon. said...

I don't know why but how you wrote this totally makes me laugh. I know you probably are not in a laughing mood but I wish we were all together because that would make it all the funnier. I'm so sorry. I wish Jamie and I were fix up people but we are not. I can't stand when everything "pours." Hang in there girlie! At least your beautiful, skinny, have gorgeous children and a roof, right? Love ya.